What is your image of HOKKAIDO?
Affluent nature, severe northern climate,
delicious water and food,
women’s fair complexioned fine skin,
many beauties;
all these words correctly describe Hokkaido.
There is one more thing we wish you to know.
It’s that Hokkaido is an advanced region
for life-science research.
Abundant nature and transition of the four seasons of the northern land give inspiration to the researchers various ideas
full of originality.
Having the frontier spirits inherited from the ancestors who reclaimed Hokkaido, the researchers perseveringly clear the challenging tasks to achieve success.
Akira Suzuki, professor emeritus of Hokkaido University, was awarded the Nobel Prize in chemistry in 2010. The prize was given for discovering and developing practical methodologies for “cross-coupling” construction. This is a proof of case that Hokkaido is an advanced region in the field of life-science research.
About the developer
Masaki Oishi, The director of Tokachi Beauty and Whitening Laboratory,
who supervised the development of HOKKAIDO PREMIUM skin-care brand series,
was a life science researcher in graduate school.
He received a Doctor of Medicine degree in 1994
on the research of dermal apoptosis which is closely related with longevity genes.
In 2001 he established Tokachi Beauty and Whitening Laboratory.
He scrutinized the influence the severe coldness
and strong ultraviolet rays of Hokkaido exert on skin
and utilized those data in research
and development of the brand products.
The brand has established the status as a
"nationally renowned skin-care brand developed by dermatologist"
which possesses a large membership throughout the nation’s 47 prefectures.

In recent years the director expects an arrival in the new time in skin-care field. He enlists support from the researchers of various specialized fields and actively introduces the latest technology into product development.
In this way, Tokachi Beauty and Whitening Laboratory launched a premium specialty skin-care brand “THE HOKKAIDO PREMIUM”.
“An ideal skin that transcends the age” Now, anyone can achieve such eternal dream.